     My biggest middle school fear was that I would not have any friends in any of my classes. But that did not come true! I have at least one friend in each of my periods, that I can talk to. Some friends I don't have any periods with at all. But I also had another fear. I feared that at lunch I would have no friends to talk to or I wouldn't be able to find any of them. But none of those fears came true. I can always find my friends at lunch and break. Middle school isn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's actually better than what I had expected. I am having a blast at school now and everything is going just great! 
     Now that I think, my fears were so silly! I had nothing to worry about. I go to a great school, have great teachers and friends. Middle school is less fearful than I expected. Then, again I was only a 6th grader. I actually love middle school! I wish I wouldn't have been so scared. I actually thought middle school would ruin my life.    

     Bullying is not a good thing in our world today. Everyone in this world has been bullied at least once. I used to know a friend who got bullied once in a while, but I didn't think anything of it. I wish I would have told the bullies to stop, but I didn't because we weren't really good friends. I was younger than I am now so I did not know anything. I've never helped someone who was being bullied now. My friends don't get bullied now so that's a good thing. I did used to see bullying everywhere at my old elementary school. There was a situation where a girl was getting bullied on a social network site and she had to block the people who were bullying her. Eventually the principal got involved and the kids had to have detention for a whole week. I think it's a good thing to tell an adult when you feel you are getting bullied. 

      Computers are getting more and more advanced each day! But I wonder, how will computers effect my life in the future? Will it help me with my life? Or will it make my life crumble? I wonder if i will be on my computer 24/7. Or hardly at all. Will I even have a computer? Right now I think I spend a little to much time with technology. I hope that when I get older I will cut off a lot of my computer time. But for now I actually like the amount of time I spend on the computer, even though it is a long time. 
     I wonder if computers will take over the world? Could be. But for now I think later in my future I won't spend much time on technology because of what my future career. When I get older I would like to be a dentist and a tattoo artist so I don't think that involves much technology. But I will spend some time for my own fun sake.